Erindale Garden was established in 1989.  We have 16 plots, including 3 communal plots and 2 communal berry patches. We have a communal 3 bay composting system. We use this compost in our plots to improve soil fertility and microbial activity. We have 2 sheds. We may be the smallest in scale of all the COGS community gardens, but we are an inventive and enthusiastic bunch of gardeners.  Turning our constraints into our opportunities, we have doubled our growing capacity by building trellises out of upcycled materials. We coordinate annual leaf collecting days and regular working bees for garden maintenance. 


Our membership is diverse with many cultural backgrounds (Korea, Austria, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Netherlands, Australia) represented, across a wide age range, from 2+ to 80+. Our non-plot holder members participate with growing, planting and harvesting at our communal plots, garden activities and maintenance and enjoy picking blackberries and raspberries from our communal berry patches.

Social Life

Our new shelter, sponsored by COGS Executive as part of a recent infrastructure review, has brought big benefits to our garden community.  There is a great friendly and cooperative culture, with members gathering for social activities and working bee lunches.  Our community shelter with donated BBQ is where we celebrate World Bee Day (May), Christmas in July, Spring FEST (September), Pollinator Week (November), and our annual Christmas party. 

‘Cross-pollinating’ Activities

We save all kinds of seeds at our garden and enjoy sharing and exchanging seeds with the Canberra Seed Savers, and are participating with the dwarf tomato project, growing varieties suited for our Canberra climate.  Many of our members participate in shared activities with ACT for Bees and Other Pollinators (flies, birds, butterflies); this has raised our awareness of planting for pollinators (growing special varieties of herbs, flowers and plants).

Echinacea pollinator plant

Sharing with Community

Keeping connected to our community is very important to us. We are very happy to be able to share our enthusiasm and joy for organic gardening with the people in the neighbourhood and are sharing surplus veggies and herbs.  We welcome visitors to our garden and fellow COGS Members to our events.

Email Convenor


Erindale may be a small garden, but it is situated at a vibrant location, receiving significant foot traffic from passerby, as it is co-located with public housing and adjacent to many apartment and townhouse dwellings.  We are next to the Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Erindale Shopping Centre, Erindale College and Erindale Public Library.  Our garden maintains strong bonds with the Church Erindale Neighbourhood Garden, adjacent to us. 
